
Age of Empires 4 (All Civilizations)

Age of Empires 4 (All Civilizations) - Full List
Age of Empires 4 (All Civilizations) - Full List

Age of Empires 4 is a real-time strategy game that portrays different historical civilizations and their epic battles. The game was released in October 2021 and received positive reviews from both fans and critics. The game features ten playable civilizations, each with their unique units, landmarks, buildings, and bonuses.

The ten civilizations are: Abbasid Dynasty, Chinese, Delhi Sultanate, English, French, Holy Roman Empire, Mongols, Malians, Ottomans, and Rus. Each civilization has a different playstyle and requires adaptation to its strengths and weaknesses.

Age of Empires 4 (All Civilizations) – Full List

The most complete and up-to-date list of all civilizations in Age of Empires 4. A brief introduction about the strengths and weaknesses of each civilization.


French (Civilizations)

In Age of Empires 4, the French civilization possesses some unique bonuses that make them a formidable force to reckon with. One of their most notable bonuses is the Town Center’s Work Rate, which increases with every age, giving them an edge in resource gathering and production.

The French benefit from a 30% reduction in the cost of economic technology, making them an excellent choice for players focused on building a robust economy. Their resource drop-off buildings also cost 50% less, allowing them to expand their resource-gathering operations more quickly.

Keeps play a critical role in the French’s military strategy, reducing the cost of units at Archery Ranges and Stables produced within their influence by 20%. With these bonuses, the French are a potent force in Age of Empires 4, capable of achieving victory in many different ways.

Abbasid Dynasty

Abbasid Dynasty (Civilizations)

The Abbasid Dynasty is a civilization in Age of Empires 4 with unique bonuses that can help players achieve victory. These bonuses include faster gathering from Berry Bushes for villagers, and the ability for infantry units to construct certain siege weapons without researching Siege Engineering.

Additionally, the Abbasid Dynasty can advance through the ages by building wings from the House of Wisdom, and nearby buildings gain fire armor as a result. Players can also enter a Golden Age to speed up resource gathering, research times, and production speed.

Docks are 50% cheaper for the Abbasid Dynasty, making it easier for them to establish a naval presence on the map. With these bonuses in mind, players can effectively utilize the strengths of the Abbasid Dynasty to achieve success in Age of Empires 4.


Mongols (Civilizations)

The Mongols in Age of Empires 4 have unique abilities that allow them to raid and move quickly across the map. Their Plunder bonus enables them to gain +50 Food and Gold by setting fire to enemy buildings, providing a potent way to cripple their opponent’s economy.

Additionally, all Mongol buildings can be packed up and redeployed to a new location, making it easier for them to move their base around the map and catch their enemies off-guard. They also start with the maximum population limit and don’t need to build houses, giving them a significant early-game advantage.

Mongols are known for their powerful cavalry units, with Early Horsemen available in the Dark Age (I) and Early Lancers in the Feudal Age (II). They also have access to advanced technologies that can be researched using Stone, allowing them to double produce units or research advanced versions of technologies.

Delhi Sultanate

Delhi Sultanate (Civilizations)

The Delhi Sultanate is a civilization in Age of Empires 4 that offers unique bonuses to players. One of its most notable bonuses is the ability to gather from Berry Bushes 25% faster. This allows players to quickly accumulate food resources and jumpstart their economy.

In addition, the Delhi Sultanate has access to a Scholar unit in the Dark Age, which can be used to speed up research time. Although all technologies are free for this civilization, they are completed at a slower pace, so utilizing the scholars to speed up research is crucial.


English (Civilizations)

The English in Age of Empires 4 stand out for their specialization in agriculture and defense. They have the ability to construct Farms for 50% less Wood, which allows them to expand their economy more quickly and focus on other areas of development.

In addition, by building Farms near mills, they can increase production by 15%, making it a great investment for a robust food economy. All of the English power is generated by the bonus and production of units through their wonders.


Rus (Civilizations)

The Rus civilization in Age of Empires 4 is a unique and interesting faction to play. Their gameplay style is focused on generating income through hunting and gathering resources from the environment. One of their unique abilities is to generate extra gold from killing animals, which can be incredibly useful in the early stages of the game. Moreover, they have access to upgrades that increase the food income of all sources, allowing them to maintain a strong economy throughout the game.

In the feudal age, the Rus can produce their first cavalry units, making them more mobile and effective on the battlefield. Additionally, their palisades are much stronger and have double the health of other civilizations, making their defensive structures more durable.

To further enhance their economy, the Rus can build a Hunting Lodge – an upgraded mill that can produce scouts and generate gold from nearby forests. They can also build Wooden Fortresses, which have additional health and garrison spaces, making them more effective at protecting their territory.


Ottomans (Civilizations)

The Ottomans in Age of Empires 4 are a civilization with a strong focus on military and economic might. Their unique ability to produce settlers free of charge from their Town Center allows them to expand their empire rapidly and secure valuable resources. This advantage makes them a formidable foe in the early game, allowing them to establish a strong presence on the map quickly.

Their unique units include the powerful artillery unit, the Great Bombard, and the versatile Jenízaro, who can serve as both a ranged and melee unit.


Malians (Civilizations)

The Malians of West Africa in Age of Empires 4 are one of the wealthiest trading nations of all time, focusing on strong economic prowess in mining and investing in gold through structures alongside mines.

As one of the ten playable civilizations in the game, the Malians have a unique playstyle that emphasizes economic growth and trade. They are able to gather resources quickly and efficiently, making them a formidable force on the battlefield. Their unique economic system is based on the collection of gold, which can be used to purchase and upgrade units, buildings, and technologies.


Chinese (Civilizations)

The Chinese civilization is a true powerhouse in the endgame, with access to units and technologies capable of winning the game on their own. However, the civilization is heavily punished in the early game. It’s common to see players succumbing in the first half of the game. This difficulty arises from the excessive dependence on gold. While the Chinese can access unique research and technologies, there is a unique feature of the civilization that complicates progress: the way everything relates to the dynasty system. To advance to the next era or dynasty, it’s necessary to build two landmarks, and unfortunately, advancing from dynasty blocks all research from the previous one.

Despite these challenges, skilled players who can manage their gold effectively and adapt their playstyle to the dynasty system can unlock the full potential of the Chinese civilization. In the hands of a capable player, the civilization’s strengths can shine, leading to a dominating endgame. So, while the Chinese may struggle in the early game, the rewards for those who can navigate their unique challenges can be significant in the long run.

Holy Roman Empire

Holy Roman Empire (Civilizations)

The Holy Roman Empire is a civilization almost entirely focused on religion, and to succeed, immediate dedication to collecting relics and strengthening its religious power is necessary. Additionally, it has a strong appeal to infantry and its special units, called Prelates, which are available right from the Dark Age and play a crucial role in the economy. Storing relics in towers or outposts increases the civilization’s defenses, as well as the range of some units and buildings, and consequently, the Empire’s attacking forces. The Romans also have a strong naval presence, which can be useful in various strategies.

In addition to its religious focus, the Holy Roman Empire has unique architecture and a distinct playstyle. The civilization has a complex economic system that requires careful management of resources, including gold and stone, to maintain a strong military force. The Empire’s military also includes a variety of siege weapons, such as trebuchets and battering rams, that can demolish enemy fortifications.

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Written by Teddy William

I'm a software engineer currently exploring different parts of the world. I have a passion for writing and an undeniable enthusiasm for technology, with a special focus on mobile solutions. The realm of gaming also greatly appeals to me, and I thoroughly enjoy engaging in discussions and sharing ideas about this topic.

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