
Dungeon Core: Nuclear Abyss is now available on the App Store

Roguelike from Talismanic Entertainment arrives on iOS devices

Dungeon Core: Nuclear Abyss, a roguelike from Talismanic Entertainment, is now available on the App Store for iOS devices. Originally released on Steam in March 2023 as Dungeon Core, the game has been ported to mobile under its new name. The mobile version is free, and there is no information about an Android release.

Dungeon Core: Nuclear Abyss is now available on the App Store

In Dungeon Core: Nuclear Abyss, the player takes on the role of a liquidator. The story is set in the sewers where a nuclear accident from a failed experiment has created many mutants. The player’s goal is to exterminate all the mutants.

The game offers various options for weapons, skills, and upgrades. Weapons and skills are specific for fighting certain types of monsters and bosses. The player must use these tools to reach the core of the mutations.

Dungeon Core: Nuclear Abyss has graphics and gameplay similar to another popular game in the genre, Enter The Gungeon. Recently, Enter The Gungeon also announced its mobile version. Dungeon Core: Nuclear Abyss could be an alternative for fans of the genre.

The game is available for free on the App Store and offers translation into English, Spanish, Korean, German, and French. It requires an iOS 14.0 or later device to play.

There is no information about a possible release of Dungeon Core: Nuclear Abyss for Android devices.

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Written by Teddy William

I'm a software engineer currently exploring different parts of the world. I have a passion for writing and an undeniable enthusiasm for technology, with a special focus on mobile solutions. The realm of gaming also greatly appeals to me, and I thoroughly enjoy engaging in discussions and sharing ideas about this topic.

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