
Download Fouad WhatsApp APK v9.73 for Android

Fouad WhatsApp
Fouad WhatsApp

For sure, you must already be familiar with Fouad WhatsApp APK, which is one of the most popular and widely used mod apps for WhatsApp. It is capable of adding a number of extra features to your favorite messenger, providing users with a more complete experience. On this page, you will find all the information about Fouad functionalities, characteristics and features, as well as a link to download the updated version of the application.

Fouad WA is an application developed by the Fouad Mods development team, which works with the creation of modified applications. Currently, Fouad apps are a great success and are used by thousands of users all over the world.

Below is the list of all the features of the application:

  • Complete theme customization
  • Advanced privacy options
  • Customization of icons and notifications
  • Customization of the settings menu
  • Customization of fonts
  • Ability to send files up to 1GB
  • Ability to hide specific conversations
  • Ability to block calls
  • And much more

How to download Fouad WhatsApp on Android?

The following details are available about the Fouad WhatsApp application and instructions to download it on your Android device.

Name:Fouad WhatsApp
Size:50 MB
Developer:Fouad Mods
Updated on:July 11, 2023
System Requirements:Android 5+

Select the application package you want to download and install on your device.

How to install Fouad WhatsApp on your Android device?

If you want to install the APK app on your Android device, follow these simple steps:

  1. Firstly, you should backup your chats on the official WhatsApp app.
  2. Download the app, open the installer and begin the installation process.
  3. Open Fouad, load the saved backup.
  4. Remember to enable the function of installing unknown sources on your mobile device.

When installing applications from outside the official app store of your device, it is important to remember that you need to enable the function of installing unknown sources on your mobile device. This setting allows you to install apps from sources that have not been verified by your device’s official app store.


What is Fouad WhatsApp?

Fouad WA is a modified application of the world’s most popular messaging app, WhatsApp. This mod has the ability to add various functionalities to your WhatsApp, such as unlocking features and adding new capabilities. With Fouad WA, you can customize and enhance your WhatsApp experience, taking advantage of additional features that are not available in the original version.

Would you like to customize your WhatsApp? Visit our Fouad WhatsApp Themes page and download various themes for free.

What is clone version?

This feature enables users to conveniently manage and use different WhatsApp accounts simultaneously, providing flexibility and convenience in communication. Whether it’s for work or personal purposes, the clone version of Fouad offers a practical solution for individuals with multiple phone numbers.

Is App safe?

Yes, it is a safe application, used by thousands of people around the world. All apps featured on Droid Local are scanned for malware or viruses that could harm your device.

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Posted by Teddy William

I'm a software engineer currently exploring different parts of the world. I have a passion for writing and an undeniable enthusiasm for technology, with a special focus on mobile solutions. The realm of gaming also greatly appeals to me, and I thoroughly enjoy engaging in discussions and sharing ideas about this topic.

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