
How to Turn YouTube Dark Mode on Mobile?

How to Turn YouTube Dark Mode on Mobile
How to Turn YouTube Dark Mode on Mobile

Dark mode is a popular feature in apps and operating systems that reduces eye strain and provides a more comfortable viewing experience. Enabling dark mode on the YouTube app for Android is simple and allows for a dark screen with white letters, making it ideal for low-light environments or nighttime viewing.

To help you get started, we’ve created a step-by-step guide on how to enable dark mode on the app for Android and iOS. Here are some advantages of using the dark mode on YouTube:

  • Reduced eye strain: The dark background puts less strain on your eyes, especially in low light conditions.
  • Improved battery life: If your device has an OLED or AMOLED screen, the dark mode uses less power, which can help to save battery life.
  • Better focus: The dark mode can help to minimize distractions and allow you to focus more on the content you’re watching.
  • Stylish look: Many users find the dark mode to be more aesthetically pleasing and modern-looking compared to the standard white background.
  • Accessibility: For users with visual impairments or sensitivities, the dark mode can make it easier to use the app by providing better contrast and reducing glare.

How to Turn YouTube Dark Mode on Mobile?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to enable dark mode on the YouTube app for Android and iOS:

  1. Open the YouTube app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on your profile picture icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. From the menu that appears, select “Settings.”
  4. Tap on “General.”
  5. In the “Appearance” section, toggle on the “Dark theme” option.
  6. The dark mode will now be enabled on the app.

That’s it! You should now be able to enjoy a more comfortable and stylish viewing experience on the YouTube app for Android and iOS.


The dark mode on the YouTube app can be affected by various Android system settings, such as battery saver or power saving mode. If any of these modes are activated, the dark mode on the YouTube app may be altered or even turned off. However, as long as the dark mode is enabled on the device, it will remain active on the app.

We hope that our step-by-step guide on how to enable dark mode on the YouTube app for Android has been helpful to you. Enjoy the more comfortable and stylish viewing experience on the app with dark mode enabled.

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Written by Teddy William

I'm a software engineer currently exploring different parts of the world. I have a passion for writing and an undeniable enthusiasm for technology, with a special focus on mobile solutions. The realm of gaming also greatly appeals to me, and I thoroughly enjoy engaging in discussions and sharing ideas about this topic.

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