
Sony is developing a new PlayStation platform for mobile games

The rivalry between PlayStation and Xbox is extending to the mobile universe.

Sony is developing a new mobile gaming platform for PlayStation. This initiative was revealed through a recent job posting by the company, which is looking for a software engineer for PlayStation Studios Mobile. The role involves the design and development of the new mobile gaming platform.


In 2022, then-CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Jim Ryan, expressed the intention to release half of PlayStation’s games for PC and mobile devices by 2025. Sony’s entry into the mobile gaming market reflects a response to the constant expansion of this sector, which is currently worth over $100 billion.

The recruited software engineer will be responsible for leading the design and development of PlayStation’s mobile gaming platform. They will work in collaboration with internal teams to ensure that mobile games are integrated with PlayStation services, in addition to providing a platform to launch their own titles.

Competition in the mobile gaming market has intensified with the entry of giants like Microsoft and Sony. Microsoft, for example, recently announced the launch of its Xbox mobile gaming app store.

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Written by Teddy William

I'm a software engineer currently exploring different parts of the world. I have a passion for writing and an undeniable enthusiasm for technology, with a special focus on mobile solutions. The realm of gaming also greatly appeals to me, and I thoroughly enjoy engaging in discussions and sharing ideas about this topic.

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