The Evil Empire studio, known for the acclaimed game Dead Cells, recently announced their next project in the roguelike genre, titled The Rogue Prince of Persia. In collaboration with Ubisoft, the two companies are developing a 2D action platformer with procedural level generation. The early access release date for PC is set for May 14th, exclusively on the Steam platform.
The protagonist of The Rogue Prince of Persia is the heir to the throne, who will face the army of the Huns, influenced by the dark magic of the shamans. According to the developers, the plot will not follow a straight line. Evil Empire stated that as the player progresses through the story, the hero will learn new acrobatics and receive weapon options that will allow them to change their fighting style.
Regarding the possibility of a mobile version, the developers did not mention it. However, it is almost certain that portability will occur after the PC release.
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