Reverse 1999 is a strategic RPG game developed by Bluepoch, scheduled for release on October 26 for Android and iOS. The story unfolds in an alternate world where a mysterious storm reversed time and space to the last day of 1999. Players take on the role of timekeepers, able to travel through different eras of the 20th century in search of arcanists, people with magical powers.
The game features a visual style that combines pop art, oil painting, and other artistic styles. The story is told through animated scenes and English voiceovers. The characters are arcanists with unique abilities.
Combat is based on cards representing the characters’ spells, allowing players to build their own decks and use various strategies to win battles.
Players who participate in the launch will receive exclusive rewards. If you’re interested, download Reverse 1999 now from the Google Play Store or App Store.
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