The latest installment in the Sonic franchise, titled Sonic Dream Team, is a 3D action platformer scheduled to debut on December 5, 2023, exclusively on Apple Arcade. Developed by HARDlight, a SEGA studio specializing in mobile games, Sonic Dream Team promises a unique gaming experience within the Apple Arcade subscription service.
Sonic Dream Team allows players to choose from six different characters – Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, Cream, and Rouge. Each character brings their own flair and personality, fitting into three types of movements that offer unique exploration opportunities while navigating the dream world.
Players can enjoy Sonic Dream Team on devices such as iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV, using controls compatible with the iOS system. The game is already available for pre-order through Apple Arcade, building anticipation for its release on December 5, 2023.
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